The Australian and New Zealand Association for the Surgery of Trauma (ANZAST) is a not-for-profit, public company limited by guarantee, that was listed with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission in February 2011. It was formed by a group of surgeons involved in the care of injured Australian and New Zealand patients.

Our Mission Statement is to ensure seriously and critically injured New Zealand and Australian patients receive optimal and world-class surgical care.

This goal will be achieved by overseeing post Fellowship surgical education and training, guiding the surgical trauma curriculum, supporting quality research, promoting effective systems of care and advocating on behalf of surgeons providing care to the seriously injured.

Click HERE to access the ANZAST Constitution

The ANZAST Executive is comprised of the following surgeons from Australia and New Zealand:

Mr Jeremy Hsu– President

Miss Kate Martin- Vice President

Mr Joe Dawson– Secretary

Mr John Crozier- Treasurer, Chair, RACS Trauma Committee

Professor Zsolt Balogh– Chief of Curriculum

Mr Dieter Weber– Supervisor of Post-Fellowship Training

Miss Jodie-Kate Williams- Member

Mr James MacKay- Member

Mr Li Hsee- Member

Clink HERE to learn more about the ANZAST Executive Members