ANZAST Executive

Katherine Martin – President
Dr Kate Martin completed her General Surgical Training in 2005. She completed her Fellowship training in General Surgery and Trauma at the Alfred, Western and Royal Melbourne Hospitals. Kate is now a General and Trauma Surgeon at the Royal Melbourne Hospital.
She is a director with the Early Management of Severe Trauma (EMST) and Definitive Surgical Trauma Care (DSTC) faculties, and is the immediate-past supervisor of the General Surgical Training Program at the Alfred Hospital. Kate is the President of ANZAST, and immediate-past Chair of the EMST Committee. She is also a member of the Federal and Victorian State Trauma Committees of RACS, as well as the DSTC Committee.

Zsolt J. Balogh – Vice President & Chief of Curriculum
Professor Zsolt J. Balogh is a trauma surgeon, the Director of Trauma at the John Hunter Hospital and the Professor of Surgery and Traumatology at the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia. At these institutions, he supervises the clinical trauma fellowship (orthopaedic and general) program and PhD program in Traumatology. His main clinical and research interests are traumatic shock & resuscitation, physiological and inflammatory/immunological response to trauma, polytrauma management, pelvic fractures and major orthopaedic trauma, abdominal compartment syndrome and postinjury multiple organ failure.

Joe Dawson – Secretary
Associate Professor Joe Dawson is a Vascular and Trauma Surgeon at the Royal Adelaide Hospital with fellowships in General Surgery (FRCS) and Vascular Surgery (FRACS). He completed his training in the U.K. and prior to moving to Australia was Trauma Fellow and then Consultant at the Royal London Hospital. After his research M.D. he completed a Masters with a dissertation on Trauma Systems and continues his research interests as Associate Professor at the University of Adelaide. He sits on the RACS Trauma Subcommittee for South Australia, RACS Road Trauma Advisory Subcommittee and RACS Trauma Quality Improvement Subcommittee, and is a member of the Australasian Trauma Society and Endovascular Resuscitation and Trauma Management Society. He teaches on several trauma skills courses, including bespoke training for Law Enforcement Officers, and is contributing author to the Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care (DSTC). He is a member of the Academy of Surgical Educators (RACS), Faculty of Surgical Trainers (RCSEd), Section of Academic Surgery (RACS) and Associate Member of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences, and is a licenced Medical Official for Motorsport Australia.

John Crozier AM CSM – Treasurer
John Crozier AM CSM FRACS, is a vascular and trauma surgeon, on staff of Liverpool Hospital, South West Sydney. He has Chaired the binational Trauma Committee of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons from 2014. He serves as vascular surgical specialty representative on RACS Council. He is co-chair of the National Alliance for Action on Alcohol. He has participated as an instructor on Definitive Surgical Trauma Care Courses from 1997, within Australia, Portugal, Singapore, Thailand and Israel.

Dieter Weber – Supervisor of Post-Fellowship Training
Dieter Weber is a General and Trauma Surgeon with the Department of General Surgery and the State Adult Major Trauma Service at Royal Perth Hospital. He is currently the Head of Department for General Surgery.
After graduating from the University of Western Australia, he completed his General Surgery Fellowship with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. He subsequently subspecialised into Trauma Surgery in Newcastle.
He is a Clinical Associate Professor with the University of Western Australia, and also holds an adjunct position with the University of Newcastle in his role as a course coordinator for the Masters of Traumatology. He has authored and instructed on various trauma and emergency surgery related courses, and is engaged in research in these fields. He is a Board member of the World Society of Emergency Surgery, and is also a member of the European Society of Trauma and Emergency Surgery and the International Surgical Society. With the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, he serves as the Deputy Chair of the Clinical Examinations Committee. He chairs the Post fellowship Education and Training Committee for Trauma Surgery, and is an executive committee member for the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Surgery of Trauma as Supervisor of Post-Fellowship Training.

Jodie-Kate Williams
Jodie-Kate Williams is a General Surgeon and the Director of Trauma and Burns at the National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre (NCCTRC) based at the Royal Darwin Hospital. Jodie completed her surgical training in Sydney and Newcastle before carrying out a year as the Trauma Fellow at the NCCTRC. After several years in Newcastle she has returned to Darwin as Director of Trauma and Co-Director of the Surgical Acute Care Unit at Royal Darwin Hospital. Jodie also holds an Associate Fellowship in Medical Administration and a Masters in International Public Health. Jodie is a registered member of the Australian Medical Assistance Teams (AUSMAT) and director of the Surgical Team AUSMAT course. She was deployed to East Timor in 2016 and through the NCCTRC is involved in the WHO Global EMT network. She has an interest in global and indigenous health, and coordinates the Remote Trauma teaching program for the NT as well as serving as instructor for Mass Casualty and Disaster courses throughout Australia and the Pacific Region. Jodie is a member of the Binational Trauma Committees and Road Trauma Advisory Sub-Committee of RACS, Academy of Surgical Educators, Australian and New Zealand Burns Association and the Australasian Trauma Society.

Li Hsee
Dr Li Hsee is a Trauma and Emergency Surgeon at Auckland City Hospital. He is the current Clinical Director in General Surgery. Dr Hsee is the Chair of the New Zealand Trauma Committee of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. He is a Fellow of both the Australasian and American College of Surgeons. Dr Hsee completed his surgical fellowships at Auckland City Hospital and Sunnybrook Trauma Centre in Toronto, Canada. Dr Hsee was awarded the NSQIP Scholarship by the American College of Surgeons in 2015. He is a past Australasian ATLS scholarship recipient, current ATLS committee member and a course director. In addition, Dr Hsee is a senior DSTC instructor and has taught many DSTC courses locally and abroad. Dr Hsee was the Unit Director and the foundation surgeon for the Acute Surgical Unit at Auckland City Hospital.

Jeremy Hsu
Associate Professor Jeremy Hsu is a trauma and oncoplastic breast surgeon at Westmead Hospital. He completed a trauma/surgical critical care fellowship at Harborview Medical Centre/University of Washington, Seattle, USA as well as a breast surgery fellowship with the Westmead Breast Cancer Institute in Sydney, Australia. He is the Director of Trauma at Westmead Hospital and holds clinical academic appointments with both the University of Sydney and Macquarie University. Jeremy has research interests in trauma clinical outcomes and systems. He is also significantly involved with trauma/surgical education, being an examiner on the RACS Court of General Surgery, an EMST director, and having introduced the Anatomically Based Surgical Exposure for Trauma Course (ABSET) into Australia

Priya Samarasinghe
Dr Priya Samarasinghe completed her General Surgical Training in 2021. She has undertaken two years of fellowship in Trauma (level 1 trauma centre) and General Surgery at Westmead Hospital, NSW.
Dr Samarasinghe currently works as a VMO at Shoalhaven District Memorial Hospital.
She has a passion to be involved in improving trauma systems, teaching, and engaging in clinical research related to trauma.
She is a director of the Australia and New Zealand Association for the Surgery of Trauma and is a member of the chest wall injury society, General Surgeons Australia, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, and Gastroenterological Society of Australia.
Martin Jarmin – Chair of the Education Committee

Dr Jarmin is a Perth-based Trauma and General Surgeon and currently works as Deputy Director of Trauma for the State Major Trauma Unit in Royal Perth Hospital. He is also a Director of Clinical Training ( Surgical ) of the Royal Perth Bentley Group as well an Adjunct Senior Lecturer at Curtin Medical School. He has had extensive international Humanitarian medical relief experience as a Field Surgeon and has worked in different conflict and disaster areas around the world . He is an active clinical consultant with keen interests in Trauma Surgery, Trauma Education as well as Acute/ Emergency General Surgery.