In September 2012, an MOU was established between the Australian and New Zealand Trauma Society, (ANZTS) and ANZAST.
ANZAST had been formed to oversee post surgical Fellowship experience in the care of injured patients, to promote excellence in surgical care of trauma patients and to advocate on behalf of severe trauma patients and the surgeons who care for them.
The ANZTS was formed to bring together those with a special interest in the care of the injured patient to promote the highest standard of patient care, education, organisation and research in the field of accidental injury. It has a broad membership base reaching out to all clinicians involved in care of the injured.
Many surgeons have contributions to make to the care of the injured as described in the Constitution of the ANZTS. Likewise, the ANZAST are actively seeking to involve surgeons in all aspects of trauma care from scene to discharge. The executive committees of both societies have recognised the potential benefits of the two organisations working together to achieve the objectives of both.