Membership Application

Choose the level of membership that is right for you

ANZAST has two types of membership, available to Fellows of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (or equivalent), and to surgical trainees:

ANZAST Membership

A yearly membership to ANZAST has the following benefits:

  • A subscription to the Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery
  • Access to the Case of the Month and In Print
  • Access to a wide network of surgeons from all specialties who have an interest and role in the care of the severely injured
  • Discounts on ANZAST-sponsored events, and
  • The opportunity to become involved with the Association Committee

Joint ANZAST-ATS Membership

Through a Memorandum of Understanding established in 2012, ANZAST members also have the option of a duel membership with the Australasian Trauma Society. In addition to the benefits of ANZAST membership outlined above, joint ANZAST-ATS membership also includes

  • A subscription to the official journal of the ATS, Injury
  • Quarterly newsletter of the ATS- Trauma Talk
  • Discounts at ATS-sponsored events.

For further information regarding the MOU between ANZAST and the ATS, click HERE.

Membership Costs for 2024/25:

Memberships run from 1 July – 30 June each financial year. Pro-rated membership is provided from 1 September through to 31 May each year.

All figures are inclusive of GST.

ANZAST- Fellow of RACS (or equivalent): $473.00

ANZAST- SET Trainee: $352.00

Joint ANZAST & ANZTS – Fellow of RACS (or equivalent): $650.00

Joint ANZAST & ANZTS – SET Trainee: $540.00

 Follow this link to our application page